CIAM is dead, long live CIAM
Howell, W., CIAM is dead, long live CIAM , The Architects Journal 1956, 6 September, 332
Autor: Howell, W. Contributions to CIAM 10
CROSBY, Theo. Contributions to CIAM 10. Architects' Year Book, Londres, v. 7, p. 32-39, 1956.
Autor: Theo Crosby |
The theme of CIAM 10
Smithson, A. and P. Smithson, The theme of CIAM 10 , Architects Year Book 7, London 1956, 28-31
Autor: Alisson Smith e Peter Smith Whither CIAM?
Smithson, A. and P. Smithson, Whither CIAM? , Architectural Design 1956, no. 10., October, 343
Smithson, A. and P. Smithson, On Team 10 , Integral 1956, December
Autor: Alisson Smith e Peter Smith |